During this article we will talk about: How can CDP help create the most complete user profiles possible? CDP is a platform to unify data silos What types of Customer Data Platforms exist? 1. CDP to enter and integrate data 2. CDP to unify and identify resolutions 3. CDP for intelligence and analytics 4.
CDP for cross-channel activation 4 Key Benefits of the Customer Data Platform 1. With CDP you can learn to know your customers better using a Turkey Phone Numbers 32 Million List single platform 2. Thanks to CDP you can break down data silos 3. You can integrate CDP with any technology 4. and informed consent With Adv Media Lab the CDP becomes more than just a marketing tool Customer Data Platform: Customer data enters a new era Do you want to get the maximum benefit from a customer data platform? Download the guide and find out how to calculate the impact it will have on your profits.
Once collected, organized and processed, this data is cataloged so as to be easily accessible based on various search criteria, some of which can be summarized as follows: Personal data : personal and demographic data (name and surname, age), contact information (email address or telephone number), profession, gender Engagement data : "technical" data collected based on user activities, such as web pages visited, interactions with social media profiles,